Collaborate On Sound. The New Way.

Create Sound Projects. Mint the Masters.

A version control tool for audio projects and launchpad for artists to mint and monetize their work onto their blockchain(s) of choice.


Made For Creators In

SoundMint for Podcasts

Every Episode Has a Home.

Release Each Podcast with Control over Distribution, Access, and Monetization

Are you a podcaster looking to publish and monetize your content in a new and innovative way? Look no further than SoundMint. Our cutting-edge platform allows podcasters to securely upload and mint their podcasts as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. This means you can prove ownership of your intellectual property and offer exclusive access to your audience. With SoundMint's DAO-backed NFT feature, you can monetize your podcast through a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), allowing your listeners to buy ownership tokens, permission tokens, or access tokens, giving them a stake in your content and providing you with a new revenue stream. Plus, our state-of-the-art audio watermarking technology ensures that your podcast remains protected from unauthorized use. Join the future of podcasting with SoundMint today.

Collaborate with Ease

Securely Share Your Sound Projects

At SoundMint, we understand the importance of collaboration in the audio industry. That's why we've built a platform where sound creators can safely work together on their projects. Our first come, first serve sharing feature ensures that all members have an equal opportunity to contribute and collaborate. Plus, using blockchain technology to mint your projects, you can be sure that your work is protected and verified.

Collaborate with a Chain of Custody

Store Your Project History

The Sound Project feature on SoundMint is designed to provide a comprehensive and transparent record of all contributors to a sound project. This concept of Chain of Custody ensures that every creative contribution is recognized and properly credited. When a user mints their sound project, SoundMint stores all the collaboration efforts and project history from all contributors with sound signature watermarked files, timestamps, and DAW files backed up. With this in place, SoundMint users can rest assured that their work is protected, and all contributors receive proper recognition for their efforts. Sound Projects are more than just a way to collaborate, they are a testament to the power of community and the impact that collaborative creation can have on the world of sound. Join SoundMint today to experience the power of Chain of Custody for yourself.